The Snowsport Industries of Great Britain (SIGB) annual Trade Survey for the 2023-2024 winter season reveals promising trends for the UK snowsport hardware market. Based on data from suppliers of ski and snowboard equipment to UK retailers and rental businesses, the survey highlights a steady recovery towards pre-pandemic levels in most product categories.
Key Insights from the Trade Survey:
The 2023-2024 data builds on a substantial recovery from pandemic-related disruptions. Last year marked the first unrestricted season post-lockdown, showing record-breaking growth in all categories. This year’s more moderate but steady gains signal a path toward a full rebound for the industry.
Steve Wells, Co-President of the SIGB said, “The results are encouraging, showing positive growth in the UK snowsports equipment industry, proving that our focus on high quality service means that the UK outperforms other markets and sectors.”
These insights are derived from the 23rd annual SIGB Trade Survey, representing an estimated 90-95% of the UK ski hardware market and 65-75% of the snowboard market. The full detailed report, offering deeper insights into trends and data, is available exclusively to SIGB members.