This page provides all of the information that you need to know about this year’s show. The ‘USEFUL CONTACTS‘ section includes all the contact details for the show subcontractors and suppliers. The ‘EXHIBITOR FORMS‘ section includes all the forms that need to be completed before the show, along with the deadlines for each. Please complete all the forms that are relevant to your stand.
If you have any queries do not hesitate to contact the organisers MCS on 0161 437 4634 or email

Show Information

1.1 Exhibition Open Times

Visitor opening Hours:

  • Tuesday 7th January: 9am – 6pm
  • Wednesday 8th January: 9am – 6pm
  • Thursday 9th January: 9am – 4pm

Power will terminate each night fifteen minutes after the show closes unless a 24hr supply has been specifically requested from the electrical contractors FULL CIRCLE.

1.2 Build Up / Break Down Times & Traffic Access

Build Up

  • Sunday 5th January: 8am – 8pm – Space only exhibitors and contractors
  • Monday 6th January: 8am – 10pm – Space only exhibitors and contractors
  • Monday 6th January: 10am – 10pm – Octonorm shell scheme exhibitors
  • Monday 6th January: 12pm – 10pm – All exhibitors

Please note that during build up hours, traffic access to the exhibition halls will be limited. Please refer to the Traffic Access section for the access timetable.
All stands must be completed and excess products and packaging materials removed no later than 10pm on Monday 6th January – failure to do so may result in the removal of the relevant exhibits.
Initial power connections to stands are made as soon as possible – however, space only exhibitors / contractors are advised to order a temporary power supply from FULL CIRCLE for actual construction of stands if required.
Contractors must cease work at 10pm on Monday 6th January – it is therefore essential that all exhibitors arrive on-site before this time to inspect their stands and to ensure that all orders have been completed.

Break Down

  • Thursday 9th January 4pm – 5pm Removal of samples (exhibitors)
  • Thursday 9th January 5pm – 11.59pm – Dismantle of stands

Shell Scheme Exhibitors must remove ALL items from stands by 6.30pm on Thursday 9th January.

No exhibits may be removed before the exhibition closes on Thursday afternoon nor will any contractors be allowed into the halls until 5pm on Thursday 9th January when all visitors are clear of the halls and removal of samples has taken place.
Space only exhibitors are advised that all material, packaging and waste must be removed from the halls and stand dismantling completed by 11.59pm on Thursday 9th January. Failure to do so may result in a penalty.
Insurance of property and goods is the responsibility of the exhibitor. The organisers accept no liability for the loss of any equipment or goods belonging to the exhibitors.

Traffic Access

Sunday 5th January
On Sunday, only exhibitors and their contractors who have booked Space Only stands will be permitted on site.
Vehicles will only be allowed into the halls from 8am – 11am. All vehicles must be removed from the halls by 11am and NO vehicles will be permitted into the halls after this time.
Exhibitors & Contractors are requested to report to the gatehouse on Gate B at the rear of the building in front of the International Hotel (postcode TF3 4JH) and follow the directions of security personnel.

Please note Sunday 5th January is for Space Only exhibitors and their contractors, and for FULL CIRCLE to build their shell scheme stands.  Shell Scheme exhibitors will NOT be allowed on site.

Monday 6th January
Shell Scheme stands will be completed and ready for exhibitors to dress their stands – please note the type of the stand you have booked and when you can gain access to the halls.

Octonorm Shell Scheme exhibitors gain access from 10am.

Low and High mdf Shell Scheme exhibitors from 12 noon.

No vehicles will be permitted to enter the halls on Monday 6th January.

Electrical work may not be completed by this time, but you will have access to dress the stand.

Hi-vis vests or similar are mandatory attire for all staff, contractors, exhibitors during the build and dismantle periods.

To ensure the exhibition is aesthetically pleasing, please select equipment used to transport goods into the hall carefully to avoid damage to the flooring and stand fittings.

1.3 Badges & Passes

Contractors Badges

Will not be required.

Exhibitor Badges

Badges should be ordered for all stand personnel and will be required to access the show during open days. Non transferable passes will be supplied to Exhibitors, admitting bona fide stand staff and employees to the exhibition. Exhibitors badges will not be accepted for exhibitor suppliers and they will have to apply for a visitor badge. Badges should be ordered in the name of the stand to match the floor plan and stand signage (Please note that if the exhibitor is a distributor they should put the stand name followed by the brand name for brand representatives)  Badges WILL NOT be sent by post but are to be collected from the registration desk at the Exhibition Centre Liverpool from 2pm on Monday 6th January.

To order, please complete Exhibitor Badges Form.

Visitor Scanners

It is possible to hire visitor scanners from the registration company. Each visitor badge will carry the visitor’s name and company as well as a bar-code. By scanning the visitor’s bar-code, their details will be stored. The stored information can be downloaded at the registration desk at the show and details supplied to the exhibitor. Scanners can be ordered using the link HERE

General Information

For safety reasons, no children under 16 are permitted into the halls during build-up or breakdown.
Please ensure there is someone on your stand to accept all deliveries – the organisers cannot take responsibility for signing consignment notes. In addition, although security is in operation, you are advised to have a member of staff in attendance both on your stand and at your vehicle.
Please make note that should you order stand fittings, electrics or furniture on the morning of Sunday 5th January, every effort will be made to meet your request, however, these services cannot be guaranteed to be delivered to your stand before the halls close on Thursday 9th January.
For Health and Safety reasons and to aid the access of other exhibitors, please keep aisles clear of all stand fitting materials and exhibits during build-up and breakdown. Emergency aisles and exits MUST be kept clear at all times. Anything left in the aisles will be deemed rubbish and removed by the cleaners.

1.4 Admission

There is no admission charge to visit the exhibition and a digital invitation will be issued to all exhibitors in advance of the show to distribute to their customers. The organisers also send invitations to a database of retailers.

1.5 Disabled Persons Facilities

You can view the venue’s accessibility guide HERE

1.6 Deliveries

Please note that while normal post will be taken by the organisers and delivered to your stand, the organisers cannot accept responsibility for signature of recorded items – please ensure that there is someone available to receive such items.
Any post/deliveries you wish to receive at the exhibition should be addressed as follows:
Recipient Name/Event Name & Date/Stand Name/Number.

Hall 1 & 2 – Slide & OTS Winter, Telford International Centre St Quentin Gate  Telford Shropshire TF3 4JH.

Deliveries will not be accepted before Friday 3rd January.

1.7 Emergency Procedures

Suspicious Package

If you discover a suspicious package, bag or someone reports such an item to you, Immediately contact a member of TIC staff (steward, security) and direct them to the item.

Under NO circumstances should you open it, touch it or move it. 

Evacuating the Building

Familiarise yourself with the nearest fire exits in your area so you are prepared in the event of an emergency.

If the alarm is activated, the building will be evacuated.  Stewards will direct everyone to the nearest emergency exits and towards the congregation points. If asked to evacuate, please move well away from the building to the marked assembly points in the car parks as directed by the TIC staff.

Do not stay to collect items of value, leave immediately.
Do not endanger your life. Raise the alarm and evacuate. No one is to return to the building, and should remain at the assembly points under further information or official announcements have been made.

Site Emergency Procedure

Please read carefully the Site Safe Induction Document and ensure all your staff have access to read this too.

1.8 Show Guide

The exhibitor listing on the website will be the reference point for visitors as it has the same information as the show guide had. For this reason it is very important that your website entry is accurate and up to date. You can check your listing HERE and if it requires updated please send any amendments to the organisers.

1.9 Car Parking

Car parking is free for exhibitors and visitors at Telford International Centre and at the onsite hotels, The International and Holiday Inn.

1.10 Storage

There is limited storage available on site.  If you need storage please contact the organisers in advance of the show.  Please note there might be a charge for storage.

1.11 First Aid & Emergency Procedures

A qualified first-aider will be on site at all times but in the first instance please report any first aid incident to a staff member who will then contact the first-aider.

Please read the  Site Safe Induction Document which covers all emergency procedures for the site.

1.12 Lost Property

All lost property will be taken to the Organisers’ Office.

1.13 Meeting Rooms

There are a limited number of meeting rooms available for hire by exhibitors within the Exhibition Centre. These rooms are available for all exhibitors on a first come first served basis.
If you would like to book one of these rooms, please contact the organisers.

1.14 Internet Access

There will be free public wifi access available throughout the venue. If a stronger connection is required, a paid upgrade is available.  If you require a wired connection this can be ordered through Stagecraft 


2.1 Show Contact details

If different to the person stated on the booking form, please advise the organisers with the contact details of a member of your team who is responsible for your stand at the show, including their mobile phone number.

2.2 Carpeting / Tape

There is no carpeting within the Halls of the exhibition centre.  Should you wish to have carpet in your stand please book through the official show contractors FULL CIRCLE.

2.3 Risk Assessment

Please see Health & Safety section – please note the risk assessment form is compulsory for Space Only exhibitors. Risk Assessment Form.

2.4 Insurance

Exhibitors must hold a Public Liability policy of insurance to cover negligence for an indemnity of at least £1,000,000 (one million pounds). The form HERE must be completed no later than 29th November 2024. Exhibitors are reminded that they are also responsible for effecting insurance in respect of:

  1. a) Exhibits and contents of stand
  2. b) Employers Liability

Exhibitors should also consider effecting insurance cover in respect of expenses incurred due to abandonment, curtailment or postponement of the Exhibition due to reasons beyond the organisers’ control.

2.5 Electrics

The organisers have appointed the following official Electrical Contractor for the exhibition: Full Circle Events.

Each exhibitor will be sent a username and password to access the platform. For any queries, contact FULL CIRCLE

Both single and three phase supplies are available at Telford International Centre. Supplies will be switched off at the source shortly after the show closes each day. Should an Exhibitor require an electrical supply at other times e.g. for maintenance purposes, he must make an application to the Organisers Office on site no later than 1200 hrs on the day that the supply is required.

Any Exhibitor needing electricity for the running down of machinery after the exhibition closes on the final day must inform the Organisers of their requirements by no later than 1700 hrs on the previous day. A 24 hour electrical supply can be arranged where necessary. Exhibitors are requested to switch off all stand installations before leaving each evening. Contact: FULL CIRCLE

Please also read 6.1 Electrical Regulations – Summary

2.6 Cleaning

Every stand will be cleaned daily during the show. Each evening, any plastic rubbish sacks should be put at the edge of the stand for collection. Sacks and bins must not be placed in the aisles until after the show has closed to visitors.

Should additional waste disposal or extra cleaning be required, this must be arranged with and paid direct to Telford International Centre. Stands that are closed by night sheets or similar, or have interior rooms cannot be cleaned.

2.7 Site Survey

It is each exhibitor’s responsibility to examine their allocated site in order to avoid adjustments to stand structures or displays, as variations in the floor level or obstructions cannot always be indicated on the floor plan. In your own interest, you should also satisfy yourself as to the condition of your site both before erection and after clearance.

2.8 Interiors

Exhibitors or their contractors are free to design the interior provided note is taken of the following instructions:
All materials used for stand fitting and display purposes must be non-combustible, inherently non-flammable, durably flame proof or self-extinguishing plastic.

2.9 Construction

All work must be carried out in conformity with the requirements of the Rules and Regulations of Telford International Centre, Local Authorities and the Regulations in force for the time being. Materials should comply with British Standards numbers BS476 part 7 and/or BS5570 and/or BS3120.

Stands will be inspected during build up and the local authorities may remove any offending materials or close down any stand which does not meet the regulations.

a) All timber less than 25mm in thickness and plywood, hardboard, blockboard and chipboard less than 18mm must be rendered flameproof by a recognised process to Class 1 standard when tested in accordance with the current edition of BS476. Timber over 25mm thick need not be treated. All materials which have been rendered flameproof in a manner approved to be branded with a recognised mark.

b) Plastic materials, (having a classification below Class 1 BS476) shall not be used. ICI Daric, Lexan and Macralon are acceptable.

c) Textile fabrics – unless incombustible – may not be used for partitioning stands or for forming offices or the back and sides of stands and so far as they may be used for decoration treatment of such portions, the fabric must be backed with materials similar to that required for the construction of the stands. They shall be fixed taut to the backing boards and secured at floor level by a skirting board not less than 75mm deep.

d) Painting: no stands, or parts thereof may be surfaced or otherwise treated with cellulose paint or other substance with a low flash point or which is dangerous for any other reason. Decorating shall be executed in water-based paints.

Oil bound paint may be used in small quantities only for such items as sign-writing, picking out of mouldings and other small decorative items.

2.10 Columns

If you have a Hall Column either fully or partially on your stand or you back onto a hall column, please remember when designing your stand to allow for access to the services on the column. Please contact the organisers for full details of access requirements.

2.11 Dilapidations

No fixings can be made to any part of the premises, apart from the floor fixings as detailed. Use of carpet tape is restricted to that specified by Telford International Centre. After the end of the exhibition all traces of floor covering and tape must be removed. Where margin boards or floor coverings are directly fixed into the floor of Telford International Centre there will be a charge per metre to cover the cost of making good damage to the floor after the Exhibition. Hall floors must not be painted.

Any damage done to walls, columns, floorings or other parts of the premises will be required by Telford International Centre to be made good at the exhibitors expense. Exhibitors are responsible for the removal of all goods and material used for stand building and fitting.

Floor Loadings

Floor Loading is 5 tonnes, with spreaders required over any ducting.

2.12 Gas

The Exhibition Centre does not provide mains within the halls.  The use of LPG within the hall is prohibited during show open periods.

2.13 Maintenance & Repair

Maintenance work must be carried out in the morning between 8am – 8.45am or after the close of the show, by prior arrangement with the organisers. No maintenance will be permitted during the open hours.

2.14 Suspended Fittings/Rigging

Stagecraft, the onsite contractor can supply drop wires and rigging services. Stand contractors performing hoist and fix operations must complete risk assessments, method statements and confirmation of compliance with lifting operations and lifting equipment regulations. This information must be supplied in advance.


2.15 Space Only

Space Only

Exhibitors booking ‘Space only’ stand space are responsible for providing solid walls around the perimeter of the designated area and are not allowed to use walls of neighbouring stands.

Where the stand adjoins another stand, any partitioning/walling above the height of 1.5 metres must be clad and painted on the reverse side. You may not display any graphics or branding on this reverse side. All stand structures, signs, etc. must be confined within the area allocated and may not project into or over the public aisles.

Space Only drawing approvals / structural
All space only exhibitors are required to submit detailed plans of their stand to the organisers for approval before the specified deadline. Any stand over 3.9m or with a double deck (upstairs) is considered to be a complex structure and as such must be signed off by a structural engineer. If this is the case please contact the organisers for costs of arranging a structural engineer. A method statement indicating how the space will be built is required in such cases.
Solid Walls
Please note that it is in every exhibitor’s interest to have an aesthetically pleasing show. Where there are solid walls – STRICTLY no wall may be longer than 3 metres without a break of 1 metre on any side.
Space Only site numbering
The organisers request all space only exhibitors display their stand number and company name prominently to enable their stand to be identified from each adjacent aisle, thus helping visitors locate their position within the hall.

2.16 Shell Scheme

All Exhibitors using shell scheme stands must use the FULL CIRCLE online platform to confirm their nameboard.

Optional extras (shelves, rails and slat-wall) can be ordered direct from Full Circle, using the log-in sent direct to each exhibitor. If you have any questions please contact:

Full Circle Events directly

NB. The Shell Scheme will be dismantled from 5pm on Thursday 9th January. Please do not leave any goods or equipment in Shell Scheme cupboards or leave display material on the walls or stand etc. We cannot be held responsible for the loss of exhibits after this time.

1. Lightweight Pre-Built Octanorm Shell Scheme Stands 2.5 metres high

Quad shell scheme stands, white walls with fascia above and nameboard.

Corner sites will be open 2 sides, mid run sites will be open 1 side and block end sites will be open on 3 sides. The exhibitor is responsible for decoration, fittings and any additional lighting.

Lightweight Pre-Built Octanorm shell dimensions:

  • height 2.5 metres to ceiling, 2.42 metres to fascia
  • depth: 3 metres or multiples of 1 metre
  • fascia height : 0.08 metre
  • walls: Quad modular system
  • wall inserts: white foamex panels
  • ceiling: grid ceiling

If you have chosen the package this includes

  • 500w socket x 1
  • Lighting – 1 spot per 3m2
  1. Low Pre-Built Shell 1.5 metres high

Low Stands – 1.5 metres high stands are built using timber panels. Each stand will have a minimum of a 2 metre opening. Exhibitors can arrange a more open configuration with the stand builder, FULL CIRCLE to agree the stand layout. Each stand will have a nameboard attached to a stand wall.

If you have chosen the package this includes

  • Up to 15sqm – 2 sunfloods & 1 500w socket
  • 15.5 to 24sqm – 3 sunfloods & 2 500w sockets
  • 24.5 to 35sqm – 4 sunfloods & 3 500w sockets
  • 35.5 to 40sqm – 6 sunfloods & 3 500w sockets
  • 40sqm and over – 7 sunfloods & 3 500w sockets
  1. High Pre-Built Shell 3 metres high

Stands are built using timber panels. Each stand must have a minimum of a 2 metre opening. Exhibitors can arrange a more open configuration with the stand builder, FULL CIRCLE (as above) as soon as possible to agree the stand layout. Each stand will have a nameboard attached to a stand wall.

If you have chosen the package this includes

  • 36-50sqm – 1 spot per 3sqm & 3 500w sockets
  • 51-75sqm – 1 spot per 3sqm & 4 500w sockets
  • 76-100sqm – 1 spot per 3sqm & 5 500w sockets
  • 101sqm+ – 1 spot per 3sqm & 6 500w sockets

2.17 Name Boards

Your company name and stand number will appear on a name board, one of which will be fitted to each open side of your stand.
It is essential that you complete the Name Board Form before the specified deadline. If you do not send this form back by the due date, the name board will be made up from the details on your booking form, which may not be as you would wish it to appear.

Please note that the nameboard MUST be the same that you provided for the website listing and floor plan and that we will ensure these all match to aid visitors. Ltd, Limited etc will not be used and descriptions will be omitted. Only brand names will be allowed.

2.18 Do’s and Don’ts of Shell Scheme, Low & High Wall MDF

Do’s and Don’ts of Shell Scheme

Please follow these guidelines when dressing your stand.

Low & High Wall MDF – see HERE

Shell Scheme – see HERE

2.19 Forklift Hire

Forklift trucks will be available to assist exhibitors with the unloading or movement of large items, pallets or boxes during build up and breakdown, but must be booked in advance from Stagecraft through



3.1 Canvassing

Exhibitors may only conduct business and distribute literature from their own stands – under no circumstances may activities spill into aisles – this includes the use of roaming characters. If unwelcome visitors trying to sell their products approach you on your stand, please take a business card and inform the event organisers so that appropriate action can be taken.

3.2 Demonstrations

Any exhibitor wishing to operate machinery or carry out mechanical demonstrations on their stand must ensure that these practices constitute no fire or safety hazard, nor interfere with the activities of visitors and exhibitors. All moving parts must be effectively guarded and controls sited beyond public reach. The organisers reserve the right to curtail any practice, which they consider dangerous or detrimental to the show.
Noise levels must be kept below 80 decibels and not cause annoyance to neighbouring exhibitors and / or the public. In the case of dispute, the organiser’s decision is always final.

3.3 Entertainment

Stand entertainment / Event – If you are hosting an event/entertainment at your stand you must fill in the Entertainment Form for organisers’ approval. These can only take place during the show’s opening times and note that on the first day  – Tuesday 7th January we will be holding networking drinks at the main café from 6pm to 8pm so you might want to avoid clashing.

  • Catering – all orders can be placed directly with the venue HERE . You will need to register, log in, scroll down and select catering.

3.4 Gratuities

Appointed contractors will carry out all work in good time and you should not be asked for any sort of gratuity to obtain priority service. If monies are solicited, please inform the organisers immediately.

3.5 Invention & Design

A UK patent should protect inventions, which are intended for display at the Outdoor Trade Show, before the exhibition opens. This can be done initially by lodging an application with The Patents Office.
A certificate for the exhibition will, however, be given by the Department of Trade under Section 6(2) of the Registered Designs Act 1949. All correspondence related to the registration of designs should be sent, not later than six months after the opening of the show to Designs Registry at The Patents Office.

3.6 Motor Vehicles / Mobile Trailers

The organisers must be notified of any Mobile Units and Motor Vehicles being brought into the hall in advance of the event so that a suitable delivery / collection time can be arranged. Please also note the following regulations concerning exhibiting such items:

  • Fuel tanks must contain only sufficient fuel to move the vehicle from the hall.
  • A lockable filler cap must be fitted to all fuel tanks and be kept locked at all times.
  • Batteries must be disconnected to all terminals throughout the open period.
  • All vehicles must be checked for leaks and a Test Certificate given by a competent person stating that the vehicle has been checked.
  • Vehicles should be set back from the edges of the stand to avoid aisle congestion and ensure that doors do not open onto aisles.

3.7 Public Address System

The public address system is for use by the organisers and authorities only. During the Open Period, only official and emergency messages will be broadcast.

3.8 Smoking

There is a no smoking policy throughout the venue during the show, including build up and breakdown.

3.9 Insurance

Exhibitors must hold a Public Liability policy of insurance to cover negligence for an indemnity of at least £1,000,000 (one million pounds). The form HERE must be completed no later than 29th November 2024. Exhibitors are reminded that they are also responsible for effecting insurance in respect of:

  1. a) Exhibits and contents of stand
  2. b) Employers Liability

Exhibitors should also consider effecting insurance cover in respect of expenses incurred due to abandonment, curtailment or postponement of the Exhibition due to reasons beyond the organisers’ control.


4.1 Health & Safety

As an exhibitor, it is your legal and moral responsibility as far as is reasonably practicable to ensure the health and safety welfare of everyone sharing your work site at the exhibition. The Health and Safety section of this manual includes key recommendations made under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and outlines your responsibilities as an exhibitor. Please read it carefully and then:

  • Complete the Health and Safety Form before the specified deadline.
  • Produce a Risk Assessment (if required) covering your participation at the exhibition before the specified deadline.
  • Space only exhibitors building complex stand structures above 4 metres high should also produce a Method Statement, which should be submitted together with their stand design drawings before the specified deadline.

4.2 Catering

Any stand providing refreshments to exhibition visitors must comply with the provision of the Food Hygiene Regulations 1990.  All food requests will need to go through the venue. Telford International Centre Event Links Exhibitors are not allowed to bring their own catering.

4.3 Aisles and Gangways

For Health and Safety reasons, and to aid the access of visitors, please keep aisles and gangways clear. Emergency gangways MUST be kept clear at all times. Anything left in the gangways will be deemed as rubbish by the cleaners and removed.

4.4 Hazardous Items

Fumes, Exhaust and Smoke

  • Any exhibit or processes which generate noxious or toxic exhausts or smoke within the premises shall be provided with an effective exhaust system to the outside atmosphere by the hirer and be sited adjacent to an external wall of the premises. Full details of the exhibit or process and proposed exhaust system shall be given to the event organisers for approval.
  • Vehicles and plant using liquid fuel must be refuelled in the open air, away from the building.

Machinery and Apparatus

  • The hirer shall ensure that all machinery and other apparatus intended to be operated are fitted with guards or other means of protection to the satisfaction of the organisers, the Authorities and Health and the Safety Executive.
  • The machinery or apparatus shall be demonstrated or operated only by persons authorised by the Hirer and shall not be left running in the absence of such persons.

Laser Products

Any person demonstrating or using equipment or machinery emitting laser light shall:

  • Comply at all times with B54803 1983 “Guide on Protection of Personnel Against Hazards from Laser Radiation”.
  • Submit to the organisers for approval, full details of the equipment that will be used and a layout plan of the stand or exhibit.
  • Provide suitable fire extinguishers and warning notices.

Dangerous and Noxious Substances

No substances, which, in the opinion of the Company, are of a dangerous, explosive or noxious nature, shall be brought onto the Premises without formal approval of the organisers.

4.5 Noise Levels

All exhibitors planning to have any P.A. and audio-visual equipment on their stand must have the noise levels approved by the organisers prior to coming on site. It is essential that detailed information is supplied, covering all aspects of presentation equipment being utilised. Failure to supply suitable documentation may result in approval not being granted.
Please complete the Noise Level Form before the specified deadline.
Exhibitors running films/video back projectors with commentary or any form of presentation are reminded that sound must be kept to a reasonable level and must not cause annoyance to fellow exhibitors. This level will be monitored within the exhibition area. If the organisers deem that you are exceeding a reasonable level, your stand manager will be informed. If you receive three warnings and do not reduce the sound on your stand, the organisers reserve the right to disconnect the power to your stand.
Noise level must be kept below 80 decibels. Failure to comply with this noise level may result in a fine, enforcement notice or injunction under the Environment Protection Act 1990 and the Control of Pollution Act 1974.
All audio speakers must be facing inwards on the stand and not facing the aisles.

4.6 Pyrotechnics

Any stand wishing to use a smoke machine or any other form of pyrotechnics must seek approval of the organisers.

4.7 Risk Assessment

Space Only:

Each Exhibitor MUST undertake a risk assessment prior to the exhibition, identifying the hazards present on-site and ways in which you will minimise and control these risks. You must also obtain copies of risk assessments from all your appointed contractors who undertake work on your stand and incorporate these into your risk assessments as appropriate.
Risk Assessments must be sent to the organisers before the specified deadline.

Shell Scheme:

Shell Scheme exhibitors are not always required to undertake Risk Assessments. However, if any of the activities below are planned, you will be required to undertake a risk assessment prior to the exhibition, identifying the hazards present on-site and ways in which you will minimise and control these risks. Activities are:

  • Any hazardous or moving exhibits on your stand.
  • Any live demonstration or event involving members of the public.
  • Any significant construction within your Shell Scheme.
  • Where your staff come into contact with other hazardous areas of the exhibition.
  • Any other operation, work process or substance which is covered by HASAWA74.

4.8 Responsibilities and Policy Statement

The organisers take their responsibilities as laid out in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 very seriously and it is vital that Exhibitors and their Contractors do likewise. The Build-Up, Open and Breakdown periods are covered by these and other mandatory requirements:

  • The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 (HASWAW74)
  • The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992
  • The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992
  • The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992
  • The Workplace (Health, Safety and WTNT Showfreightare) Regulations 1992
  • The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998
  • The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) 1999
  • Reporting of injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences (RIDDOR) 1995
  • The Building Regulations 1991 (England and Scotland)
  • Environmental Protection Act 1990

As Organisers, it is our policy to manage the Slide and OTS Winter Trade Show in accordance with the above and make the exhibition a safe environment as far as is reasonably practicable. This section of the manual has been produced to provide Exhibitors with clear, simple suggestions for understanding and implementing a suitable and sufficient safety management programme to comply with Health and Safety procedures.

Exhibitor Responsibilities

As an exhibitor, you must ensure the health, safety and welfare of your employees, contractors and visitors as far as is reasonably practicable throughout the exhibition. You should ensure that your actions (or in-actions) do not give rise to accidents, injuries or unsafe working environments, provide proper information, instruction and training and supervise all parties throughout the show. You should also check that any contractors, suppliers, agents, etc that you may be using have a Health and Safety Policy, suitable to the exhibition environment.
Your attention is drawn to the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and the regulations made under this act and are reminded that the duties imposed by these laws are not reduced, regardless of whether an employer is in their own office or participating at an exhibition. Failure to do so represents a breach of the law, and could result in the prosecution of an exhibitor/contractor by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).
Among the statutory duties owed under Health and Safety legislation the following are particularly relevant, although this list is by no means exhaustive:

  • That a written company Health and Safety Policy should exist if the company is 5 or more strong. See Section 2 (3) of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 (HASAWA)
  • That a “suitable and sufficient” risk assessment should exist in respect to all the significant risks in the business which are not already subject to other regulations, e.g. Control of Substances Hazardous to Health COSHH, noise etc. This assessment must be in writing if the workforce totals 5 or more. (Regulations – MHSW)
  • That at least one competent safety adviser must be appointed by an employer to assist him in discharging his health and safety responsibilities. (Regulation 6 – MHSW)
  • That every employer has a duty to co-operate with other employers (e.g. exhibition organisers) when sharing a workplace, whether temporary or permanent
  • Understanding the Fire and Emergency procedures of the venue, which will be circulated to all exhibitors, and establishing the location of the Medical Centre within the venue
  • The need to maintain emergency aisles through and to the centre of the halls in build-up and breakdown situations
  • The need for all operatives to wear suitable protective clothing relevant to their job, which includes eye, ear, foot and hand protection
  • The need for all operatives to wear hard hats when working beneath or near overhead working or if this is impractical, restricting access in such areas
  • The safe use and storage of flammable liquids and substances and segregation from waste and other risk areas
  • Ensuring that portable electric tools are used with the minimum length of trailing leads and that such equipment is not left unattended with a live power supply to it
  • Ensuring that portable power equipment is used for the purpose for which it was designed and that safety guards are correctly fitted and used
  • That stacker trucks are not used by anyone other than fully trained personnel
  • Please note that it is against the law to smoke within the exhibition hall, please ensure that your staff and contractors follow this rule
  • That disused fluorescent lights are placed in the collection bins in and around the halls, for safe and proper disposal
  • That chemicals and flammable liquids are removed from the exhibition venue after use by the user or, in exceptional circumstances, bought to the attention of the venue-cleaning department for safe and proper disposal, such products must not be placed in general rubbish bins or tips
  • That any work area is maintained free from general waste materials, which could hazard operatives
  • That only scaffolding incorporating standard safety features may be used and that any tower scaffold in use is properly stabilised and propped
  • That all electrical work within the halls will be carried out by the organisers’ nominated contractor, compliance with Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 is mandatory
  • That all materials used for construction or display be to Local Authority Standards and not less than British Class standards of flammability

Key Requirements for Exhibitors

The organisers recommend that you appoint a safety planning supervisor to manage your on-site Health and Safety (including the provision of proper information and instruction, training guarding and supervision of all parties concerned through the show) and be responsible for the undertaking of the steps below.

Health and Safety Declaration

All exhibitors must complete the Health and Safety Form before the specified deadline to indicate their commitment to Health and Safety at the exhibition.

4.9 CDM Regulations

All personnel including contractors and exhibitors must wear high visibility vests during build-up and breakdown. Some areas may require use of steel toe capped boots and hard hats. High visibility vests may be available to purchase from reception however we recommend bringing your own.


5.1 Security Advice

  • Speak to the organisers’ security company for advice if you have specific concerns.
  • Find out if they operate a lockable store for valuable items, such as computer equipment overnight. If they do not, make your own arrangements for safe storage.
  • Plan your arrival and departure from the venue during build up and breakdown.
  • Ensure that there are at least two representatives setting up and dismantling your stand, so that the stand is never left unattended during these vulnerable periods. Plan to remove all products and portable items from your stand on the first evening of breakdown.
  • Book sufficient staff for your stand during the show. This ensures it is always staffed. Do not ask a neighbouring exhibitor to watch over your stand while you go for a break – they may become busy and not be able to keep an eye on your stand.
  • Place a lockable cabinet on your stand. Lock away briefcases, mobile phones, handbags, laptops etc during the day even when you are on your stand. If you get busy, you may not notice someone taking them.
  • Please also check all lockable units on your stand before leaving them at night. Remember that most hired cabinets have common locks and should not be regarded as secure.
  • Do not position desirable items at the front of your stand. You may not always be able to keep an eye on them and they may be easily removed.
  • Book a night security guard or hire an alarm or nightsheet. The organisers can provide details of where such items can be hired.
  • If there are high value items on your stand, take them away each evening if at all possible.
  • If you employ a guard, please ensure you inform the organiser’s office.
  • Avoid leaving your stand each evening before visitors are clear of the show.
  • Likewise, ensure your stand is fully manned by the show opening – remember however, the halls are open each morning from 8am for all exhibitors and their maintenance staff.
  • Report anything of a suspicious nature to the organisers or security. Leads can be followed up to avoid incidents of theft.


6.1 Electrical Regulations – Summary

The organisers have appointed FULL CIRCLE  as the official electrical contractor for the exhibition and as such, they are responsible for and will carry out all electrical work on space only sites and Shell Scheme stands within the exhibition halls.
Exhibitors who wish to pre-fabricate any of their installation must ensure that it complies fully with the electrical regulations of Exhibition Venues Association and that the official electrical contractor carries out all site work. A summary of the regulations follows herewith:

  • The use of flexible cords for stand wiring is generally prohibited.
  • Flexible cords shall be of a circular section, fully insulated and sheathed, and the only form of jointing being the use of non-reversible purpose made flex connectors.
  • Flexible cords shall not exceed 2 metres in length.
  • Coils of flex or flex on reels shall not be permitted.
  • Where the clients own equipment is used, this must comply with all regulations and is subject to testing and spot checks.
  • The use of uninsulated catenary / pole low voltage systems is prohibited.
  • Selv transformers must be fixed at high level.
  • Only one flexible cord per 13A plug top.
  • Multi-way, plug in type and bayonet adopters shall not be used.
  • The use of Trailing-Block type 4-way fused sockets is restricted to one 4-way unit per fixed socket outlet, subject to a maximum loading of 500 watts total. The plug must be fused accordingly and the maximum flex length from plug to Trailing Block Unit is 2m.
  • A fireman’s switch shall be fitted to all types of neon signs.
  • Any electrical cables, appliances or accessories that do not comply with the Exhibition Venues Association Regulations for stand electrical installations or are considered unsafe, will be asked to be removed or made safe.


All electrical work must be carried out in accordance with the electrical regulations laid down by The Local Authority, IEE, Exhibition Venues Association, the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, British Standards Institution BS 7671 1992 and the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989. Full details from Event Specialists.


7.1 Waste Management guide/regulations

Please ensure you maintain good housekeeping at all times and dispose of waste in an appropriate manner. All waste must be removed from the hall at the end of the exhibition. Emergency gangways must be kept clear to allow cleaning and emergency access/egress at all times.

If any waste is left by an exhibitor after breakdown the venue will be charging them for its removal.

7.2 Water and Waste

Should you require water and waste removal for your stand, this can be ordered from Stagecraft

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